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Within any enclosed area, it is critical that the browsing and grazing stock levels must be controlled in order to manage the condition of the veld.  In this regard it is critical to note that as a private reserve Kammarieb not only aims to preserve the wildlife (fauna) but also the veld (flora).  With game it is very difficult to control grazing and browsing as the animals are free-moving and not enclosed in smaller camps.  A small level of control can be exerted through management of watering holes.  Many of the antelope species are selective grazers (rather than bulk grazers) so managing the grazing impact is not only a matter of managing overall numbers but also managing the relative numbers of different species.  Given the relative small size of Kammarieb this management function is critical.


On Kammarieb the browsing and grazing stock levels are managed through: (i) live game capture and (ii) hunting.  Live game capture is an effective management tool when relatively large numbers of a specific species must be removed.  This is seldom a requirement however.  Hunting remains the most effective mechanism to manage overall game counts as well as individual specie counts.  Towards this end, Kammarieb offers a selective number of various species for hunting every year.  This list is compiled by considering current numbers, current veld conditions and expected climatological conditions.  As an example, the current drought was predicted through the build-up of the El Nino phenomenon and thus indicated a reduction in the number of bulk grazers during the 2015 hunting season.  Due to this the final numbers of each specie offered for hunting is only compiled during April for the hunting season starting 1 May.  With the hunting season running for 5 months till the end of September some adjustments may be made to adapt to any new conditions or trends.


Hunting is strictly controlled on Kammarieb.  All hunters need to demonstrate their proficiency in shooting before they are allowed to hunt.  Hunters are required to abide by the hunting rules of Kammarieb and to sign the indemnity form incorporated with it.


Contact us for relevant information for the 2024 hunting season.

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